• 11061
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11061 11061
MAGIC FLS0.6M Software Authorization Activation SW Flex Renesas SH7xxxx Master

Product Code:

11061 Weight:0Kg

Categories: Software Activation

Price: $ 528.00


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Product Specification
Manufacturer Magic motorsport
Weight 0 Kg
MAGIC FLS0.6M Software Authorization Activation SW Flex Renesas SH7xxxx Master

Note: we can only activate this activation for Flex devices that were sold by us

FLS0.6M – SW Flex Renesas SH7xxxx – MASTER:

The Renesas processors are usually found on japanese-built control units and are quite common more on japanese vehicles than on their western counterparts. The most famous families are SH705x and SH725xx, which are widely used from 2005 to today. Denso is a ECU manufacturer that vastly uses Renesas processors. These OBD & bench protocols allow for full ECU access: both internal flash and internal EEPROM can be entirely read and written as a backup file for cloning and restoring purposes, and Flex allows to read and write maps directly, as well as calculate checksum for all the tuning enthusiasts. At the moment the special protocol seems to work on specific ECUs, but we are constantly expanding our technology and we are already looking for some extra unit to add to the list.

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